Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kαι η υπομονή του beta tester έχει όρια!

Δεν προλάβαμε να κάνουμε reset και να χτίσουμε την καινούρια μας ομάδα, έρχεται κι άλλο στο καπάκι! Μετά από αυτό έχω να δηλώσω το εξής: ας αρχίσετε με το καλό , να περάσει και λίγος καιρός και μετά θα χτίσω ομάδα!

Another reset : The new new gameworld will be live tonight

You may have noticed that the Game World servers have been taken down and that you can't log into FML. We apologise for this, but do plan to re-launch them at 6pm BST tonight.

We feel that due to some problems with the new acquisition fee system and some users restarted their squad excessively, that it is in the best interests of the beta test that a server reset is carried out.

We have addressed these issues, and more, but just need to take a little time to ensure everything is in order before we open the 'gates' again.

With the Game Worlds being at such an early stage, we felt it best to act quickly to avoid users getting too attached to their squad.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, but hope you understand our reasons and look forward to welcoming you back to FML very soon to continue beta testing.

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