Thursday, October 4, 2007

A brand new world!

Και το όνομα αυτού: ... To Madeira!
Κάποιος στην SI έχει πολύ humor και ταλέντο στο να δίνει ονόματα! Από σήμερα ξεκίνησε η νέα πραγματικότητα, κοινώς η 2η φάση του beta testing και τα πράγματα με μια πρώτη ματιά φαίνονται πολύ πιο στριφνά όσον αφορά τα οικονομικά των ομάδων. Κανείς δεν έχει χρήματα να υπογράψει τα πραγματικά μεγάλα ονόματα και όλοι περιμένουν να αρχίσουν οι διοργανώσεις για να αρχίσει να ρέει και το χρήμα!

Η ανακοίνωση της SI για το τέλος εποχής:

The new gameworld is now LIVE!!

In order to get the best pick of talent for your team, we highly recommend logging into FML and picking your squad right now, as the top players are likely to be snapped up fairly quickly.

When you download the latest client, you will need to Sign up again. Sadly, your shortlist, contacts, tactics and other personal data is gone (although the sharp managers will have exported these already!)

As we mentioned earlier we have split the initial gameworld into two, there are now two smaller 500 player gameworlds. We have allocated you into Gameworld #2 To Madeira. We're continuing to test the game and its various elements, this reworking of the gameworld will allow us to carry these out and test how a smaller gameworld works.

We're not forgetting the great work you all did in the last world, of which we really appreciate.

The final top twenty ranked teams in the first game world were (We took this list the day before we announced the beta resets):

1. Soca Warriors
2. Blatant Orient FC
3. Taibe Nerazzurri FC
4. Les Facetieux Dandys Parisiens
5. Mighty Ducks of Paris
6. Kallithea FC
7. I love Graeme Kelly FC
8. Solum Hotshots FK
9. Muppets United FC
10. San Antonio Pirates
11. Athletico Bulphan
12. Rent Bear Town
14. Frecheville Blades
15. Northern United
16. Sutton Heath FC
17. Sith Warriors FC
18. SoccerRama
19. Tytherington Rocks
20. Nige's Hootenanny's FC

Further thanks go to all teams who took part in the stress tests, which are such an important part of our testing process, we will be having further stress tests in the new worlds, so please keep your eyes out for the stress test announcements.

Enjoy the new world and please get back to us on the forums or by email if you find bugs or have suggestions. Your input is VITAL for the success of Football manager Live.

Good luck

Η Παναθηναϊκάρα μου, τερμάτισε στην θέση 32 / 1000+ . Όχι και άσχημα. Βέβαια τις τελευταίες μέρες το παιχνίδι είχε γίνει ένα μπάχαλο, με εξωφρενικά ποσά να δίνονται για μεταγραφές και μισθούς και παίχτες να τα παρατάνε.

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