Friday, September 28, 2007

To ... τέλος του κόσμου!

Το τέλος του κόσμου (Gameworld) , δεν ήρθε ξαφνικά και απροσδόκητα, αλλά προαναγγέλθηκε με μια λιτή ανακοίνωση της SI! Κρίμα, πάνω που άρχιζε να ανεβαίνει η ομάς και είχαμε μαζέψει αρκετά νέα ταλεντα! Τέλος πάντων, για το καλό του beta testing θα το ανεχθούμε και αυτό! Φήμες ότι το τέλος του κόσμου ήρθε γιατί ο Τάσος (δες προηγούμενο ποστ) έχασε στον τελικό του Champions League, ελέγχονται ως ανακριβείς!

IMPORTANT! Your gameworld is being reset

On Monday 1st October the current beta gameworld is going to be reset and it will then be split into two gameworlds of 500.

There are a number of reasons behind this decision

Bug and exploitation fixes
Since the start of the beta we've fixed many bugs and closed a number of loopholes and exploits. These have obviously had a major effect on the GW.

Financial changes
We've made so many important financial changes recently and we need to focus on how successful they would be in the finished game. The only way we can safely do this is to reset.

Splitting into two worlds of 500
Our recent survey told us that many of you do not have a chance to buy players that you recognise. The reset to smaller worlds is going to test if you're able to buy more recognisable players.

We know some of you will be sad to see the end of the current world, but we've also had many requests to reset from the forums. Think of this as a new challenge to your obviously immense managerial skills!

Look out for an email on Monday with further details and thanks for helping us make the best online football game..ever.

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