Thursday, September 27, 2007

Aλλαγές με το αναννεωμένο release...

Latest news - 24th September 2007
Some important financial changes
We've spent some time recently analysing the financial aspects of the beta world and we're in the process of implementing the following changes. We'd love to hear your thoughts....

League acquisition fees*
When signing a player on a provisional contract or in a wage auction you will now have to pay a fee. These fees are payable to the 'game world' to 'unlock' the player and are arranged so that nobody will be able to afford the top players to begin with, with the aim of partially addressing concerns of late-arriving users to the GW of "not being able to compete"

Rankings income*
This is to be slashed to between 75k and 125k daily but using a linear equation (instead of weighting it towards the top ranked teams.)

Media money
Reduced by 50%

100% excess wage tax
Any wage bills over and above 250k (500k for any new worlds we create) will be subject to this tax

No more federation fees
We're dropping federation membership fees and implementing per-player injury insurance, costing 10% of a players daily wage and providing 100% cover.

* denotes only available in new gameworlds

What's new and improved this week
User feedback
You now have the chance to leave positive or negative feedback about each other so you can, over time, obtain a profile of how other people see their behaviour in the game world.

Enhanced autopatcher
Added a new 'Add-Ons' tab in the preferences popup. This enables us to roll out addition content such as sounds and skins.

New match engine
Lots and lots of new things in this engine including, improving referee and linesman positioning and keeping up with play, improving defender positioning in relation to the player they are "marking" and stopping dissent in penalty shootouts.

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